Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Working in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Safely arrived! What wonderful words, especially when linked to both our team and our luggage!

We were met at the KL airport at 6:30 a.m. on Wednesday by two cars and hosts who were most hospitable. They took us to the home of Steven and Eileen Shee, where we are all staying. We settled in, went to lunch at an Indian restaurant nearby, and then Steven took us to the church building.

The church meets two floors above a 7/11, which makes it an easy way to tell people how to find us and makes it an easy way to get a quick snack when needed. After arriving here 26 hours after leaving Cincinnati, a little caffeine was definitely welcome.

We were warmly greeted by Doreen, the church secretary who is sweet, efficient, and helpful. She had already signed up some people in advance, and we had only been at the building a few minutes when students began to arrive. We signed people up from 4 until 8 pm, and each of us has a full schedule. Josh has 17 readers and Gina and I have 15 or 16 each. Everything is still in flux the first few days, so we'll see how it falls out in the long run.

The students who came last night are for the most part freshman at a nearby college. many of them went to Chinese-speaking schools and even though they have taken English in school are ill-equipped to hear all their professors in English. We hope to bridge that gap for them and in so doing also share Jesus with them.

This morning Josh's devotional was based on Acts 17, and truly most of our readers come from a background of "many gods." We hope to point them to the one true God and his Son Jesus Christ.

Knox and Kinley are "troopers," as always. In the hours when we have four readers and just three workers, we will take two readers at a time and let Kinley assist with that group. She would like to take a reader all by herself, but this is a good way for her to get in her "student teaching" practice. The multiples are often based on transportation situations where people must come together.

Clearly, God is alive and well and working in KL! We are so grateful for all the prayers that brought us safely here and will see us through all the studies in the days ahead.

One Knox comment from yesterday at Steven and Eileen's house: "I am going to go downstairs and after I go downstairs then I will come back upstairs." At least he knows to report in when he's changing venues! Right now he is playing and singing "I Will Call Upon the Lord." Inspiring!

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